Cherish and Destroy
Arts and Architecture Festival
Arno Coenen, Femke Gerestein, Erik Hehenkamp, Rico Heykant, Kees Kaan, Lidy Meijers, Saskia Noor van Imhoff, Alexander de Ridder, Ronald Rietveld, Marlies Rohmer, Chris Smith, Sebas Veldhuisen, Guido Wallagh & Yimei Zhang
17.04.2024, 09:00 — 21:00

Arts and Architecture Festival
Cherish or Destroy
Thursday 17.04.2024, 09:00 — 21:00

With Arno Coenen, Femke Gerestein, Erik Hehenkamp, Rico Heykant, Kees Kaan, Lidy Meijers, Saskia Noor van Imhoff, Alexander de Ridder, Ronald Rietveld, Marlies Rohmer, Chris Smith, Sebas Veldhuisen, Guido Wallagh & Yimei Zhang

West Den Haag
Former American Embassy
Lange Voorhout 102
2284 EH Den Haag

€ 15,00/5,00 (regular/student)

Lectures, Workshops, Panel Discussions, and Exhibition

In the work of artists and architects, the tension between cherishing and destruction is an essential part of the creative design process. Artistic traditions lose their meaning and are deconstructed, buildings are demolished to make way for new forms. At the same time, there is a desire to preserve and cherish certain values. Some things should not be lost because they are connected to qualities and meanings that remain relevant in the present, things that are seen as treasures to be safeguarded.

Three architects and three artists have been invited to share the dilemmas they encounter in their work when faced with the choice between preservation and destruction. How do they navigate these decisions? Do they use a specific frame of reference that guides their design process? The lecture series will conclude with a debate that explores these questions in greater depth. The lectures will be conducted in Dutch.

Organized by:
West Den Haag
Heritage & Architecture section of the Faculty of Architecture at TU Delft

Supported by:
Municipality of The Hague
Ministry of Education, Culture and Science